The Past, The Present, and the Future

Miranda Monzo

My name is Miranda Monzo, and I am a sophomore at Meridian Technical Charter. This website is about the past me, the present me, and the future me.

The Past

As an elementary student, I attended Barbara Morgan STEM Academy. I learned a lot about STEM topics there, though I don't remember much from my time there. In middle school, I originally attended Meridian Middle School for all of 6th grade and a very short amount of 7th grade until my parents pulled me out for an issue they had with the school. I was then homeschooled for a short time. I ended up attending Cornerstone Learning Academy, which was a very small homeschool bridge type school. I attended Cornerstone for most of 7th grade and all of 8th grade. In my time at Cornerstone, I learned a lot and had so much fun with my friends. Last year I was a freshman at Meridian Technical Charter. I learned so much about various technical pathways and met so many awesome people that I am still in contact with today.

Cornerstone Learning Academy logo

The Present

Right now I am a sophomore at Meridian Technical Charter. I have entered the Graphic Design pathway, and I am currently taking a web design class. I hope to become a character designer or concept artist later on in my life, as I am very passionate for art and creativity. My teachers this year are all awesome and I feel like I am going to learn a lot this year while also having fun. I have also been invited to the National Honor Society, which I am very excited about. I hope this program can help me get a scholarship to Boise State University, as that is where I plan on going for college.

Meridian Technical Charter logo

The Future

After I graduate high school, I plan on attending Boise State University to study Graphic Arts and possibly psychology. I want to get a job as a character designer or concept artist working for an indie game studio or small film studio. I hope to take part in creating a video game, specifically the artwork part of it. I would also love coming up with characters for a tv show or animated movie.

Boise State University logo